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Old January 13th, 2012, 01:21 PM

Excist Excist is offline
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Default Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Running))

HooleyDooley, what I did I did for good reason. Llamabeast had announced a couple of weeks ago that some games were intermittently getting paused due to his internet issues and a change in his network. Since the llamaserver dom3 hosting and website are run on different computers that communicate with each other by email my concern was that we might have been on turn 10 or 11 but not receiving our turns by email. I changed the hosting schedule to be on the safe side while I investigated the claim that our game was stuck and not receiving 2h files.

In short, there was no reason for you to get your panties in a bunch. We're on schedule since there was 1 36 hour delay that was requested and it is finished. To date we have completed about 10 turns as many days which is a pretty good pace. I have no issue with how anybody has been doing their turns in this group and don't see any need to choose some players over others. There was a long turn requested and 2 people seemed to have taken advantage of it to deal with rl stuff. I see no problem in that.
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