Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
So far.....
The setup is much like Dom3's direct-connect method. Blitz game style.
I can setup a game by simply telling it "server mode" and what port to use. People then bring up their copy and connect by telling it my IP and the port I assigned it. There is no PbEM. The turns in CoE3 would be awfully fast for PbEM anyway.
After that it gets quite different. The game parameters are setup by the players, not the host. And the games go very fast. Players can drop out, and drop back in, or someone else can pick up a players position who has dropped out. And the turns move very fast. I think it will tend to play best if done thru IRC or Chat. OH and in server mode the turns are simultaneous. You can watch your allies actions as they make them
So far of course.