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Old January 17th, 2012, 04:21 AM

Groundworm Groundworm is offline
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Default Re: Sticks and Bones- LA, intermediate players (running)

Originally Posted by yandav View Post
Small quizz, just for fun
1) Who's n°1 in provinces?
2) Who's n°1 in forts?
3) Who's n°1 in income?
4) Who's n°1 in gem income?
5) Who's is stockpiling storm demons and vampires with his good blood income?
6) Who's n°1 in dominion?
7) Who's n°1 in army size?
8) Who's got the best mages?
9) Who's got the better magical diversity?

Hint: the answer is the same for all the questions :

Edit: Oooops, I forgot:
10) Who's got almost all the best artifacts (including the chalice)?
11) Who's got a wish caster?
All of what you say is true except, as Bullock says, for #4. He has now surpassed me in gem income after stealing away my Eternal Pyre. I would like to point out that my lead in almost all of those categories is minimal at best.

I'd also like to ask a few questions of my own:
1) who's got the Well of Misery and the Mother Oak?
2) who has 3 global enchantments?
3) who has death mages capable of spamming Tartarians, and the nature gem income to Restore Soul?
4) who's completed magical research?
5) who's been turtling all game and summoning massive undead armies?

I am not the clear threat in this game. I daresay that honor could just as readily be applied to C'tis or Abysia.
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