Re: question...
It's pretty easy to get games. New games are starting all the time, or if there's not a new one recruiting players you can start one yourself. For a newbie game it's probably best to start it yourself. It does usually take a few days to get a group of players together and a game started, but effort-wise it's low.
MP games do tend to take a while, so if you're planning to play for just 2 months, it's best if you do get destroyed fast! If you still have learning to do in SP though the game should last you well beyond that point. I would say that due to the length of MP matches, it probably takes about a year of MP to really learn the game thoroughly, coupled with reading and talking with other players. To just play at a competent level you should be able to do in 3-6 months, depending on your learning curve and how much you play. For SP it should go a lot faster, you can pretty much learn the ropes of how to handle SP with just a few weeks of play.
Personally, if you liked the game before I would still recommend buying it. On a pure $$$ spent per hour of entertainment provided, Dominions 3 is an excellent investment.
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