The time has come. After what seemed like decades of strife, struggle and war, mighty C'tis has finally fallen. An event that brings joy to some and yet bitter sadness to others. Such is the way of wars and politics and some nations get to be the victims.
Regardless, cunning lizardmen of C'tis didn't give up their swampy lands for free. Oh no! I think everyone agrees with that. The ferocious resistance displayed by the subjects of the Barnacle Goose is simply astonishing and the Stars themselves shall see to it that future nations, which could find themselves in similar position, will have a pristine example to follow. Huzzah!
We shall see what the future will give us, now that the Barnacle Goose is dead.
Or is he? One does not simply march into C'tis and kill a phoenix!
I wonder where he is now; enjoying a well deserved rest somewhere sunny and safe, perhaps?
Senior Living, Song for all nationless immortal beings
Abysia should be comming later this day, I hope