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Old January 22nd, 2012, 06:43 AM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by ioticus View Post
It appears the description of poisoned is wrong. It says if an enemy attacks the poisoned unit the attacker is poisoned. Is the description incorrect?

Also, "action points left" is misspelled as "acton" points left.
Thanks for these reports. The poison stuff is a good catch, I think I last checked that ten versions ago or thereabouts. Both have been reported.

Flop, to learn new spells, Magic Libraries and Cities (which contain libraries) allow learning new spells. All class mages learn new spells when they perform a ritual of mastery and upgrade to a more powerful caster.

For all other mages (like Golden Wizards), the only way to learn new spells is through a library and the only way to learn higher level spells is to possess a magic booster item and then learn the spell at a library. Sometimes you get lucky when you recruit a wizard and they already have a magic booster item (either general booster or a booster for the correct path), in which case they automatically have higher level spells.

When you get a lucky break like that, you generally pile every possible item that increases survival chances on them, because they can be that game changing. Some of the best spells in the game are in the esoteric (i.e. non-class) paths at higher levels.
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