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Old January 22nd, 2012, 05:43 PM

Excist Excist is offline
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Default Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Running))

Mandred marched through the Marverni capital taking stock. Chubu, Oracle of Fires plodded along at his heels, 'It was wise of you to let the Ancient Ones vent their wrath on the people of Marverni. Their anger was almost unmanageable at the unceasing barbarian attacks against the pioneers in the outer provinces. Nerves were raw and many Pale Ones were losing their temper and fighting to the death over minor trivialities. Very wise indeed.'

Mandred spared one short glance behind him, 'Wise? They left me no choice. A week-old Olm could have made that call. But what concerns me is that this pulls us away from our Path. Harrow-gor has already committed himself to the Spectral realm and we need to do our part in the physical realm. We cannot afford these delays or Harrow-gor will be lost to this world forever.'

Oracle Chubu frowned and paused, but then decided to press on, 'Yes, but as I was saying. The people are angry. They want justice. Will you give the Marverni peasants to Rhuax to judge? The warriors have fought well and demand to see their enemy put on the coals.'

'They have already pillaged the countryside and despite our orders to police and assume peaceful control of Marverni's survivors have taken it upon themselves to make an example of any of these men that look a Pale One in the eye and as soon as no commander is around they are forcing themselves on their human womenfolk. It is an abomination! The enemy is all but vanquished. We are better than this. We cannot afford to become the monster that we fight. I would have expected this behaviour of the Marverni, but not our own. Nevertheless, we have bigger concerns ahead of us.' replied Mandred.

Chubu frowned and licked his pudgy lips, 'Yes, but...surely...' and got no more out before a breathless scout named C'teem burst into the Marverni throne room at a run.

"The Fomorian provinces are rebelling and the Fomorian host has revealed itself again! They have annhilated our besieging army with fearsome weapons of war and are heading straight for the Agarthan Capital as we speak!" the scout reported grimly.

Mandred turned his glare from C'teem back to Chubu, 'I don't want to hear anymore talk about bringing back the Old Ways of Punishment and Retribution. Take a Fist and subdue the last of Marverni's lands. We are needed up North and soon.' To C'teem he said, 'Enlist Wyrmlin and Gregor to defend the northern borderlands. Pay whatever they ask as long as they will leave the mercenary life and join with us. We will be there as soon as the southern border is secure.'
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