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Old January 26th, 2012, 01:10 PM

Flop Flop is offline
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Default Re: MP: New Noob Game. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 View Post
Flop: Got you in for Tien Ch'i.
Re Ettin: There is a site that allows you to recruit them for 0 gold and 1 resource. Its a bug.
For Troop blocking:
If you send a scout against an army there is a 50% chance the scout block the entire army.
This move is forbidden. (i say scout but it can be a commander, a diseased mage ...)

Unfortunately I don't have a list for CBM 1.92. I'm not sure if one exists. If I come across anything I'll add a link in this thread. I'll see what I can dig up.
Alright, so just to be clear, it's not allowed to attack any province with a single character? Or is it just any province with an army in it?

Also, I just noticed that the CBM 1.92 mod actually comes with a pdf forging reference, which should prove immensely helpful. The spell reference isn't nearly as important, since that information is available in-game.
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