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Old January 26th, 2012, 01:46 PM

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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Another diff between CoE3 and Dom3 is that Dom3 kindof broke the scenario abilities that were in Dom2.
In CoE3 scenarios are back big-time. Trigger events for who owns what, or enters what location; and so far there are 23 different result result codes for a trigger, each with variables extending that code. And all of it as Map commands.

So not only can we have downloadable edited maps for when the game starts, we can also have maps with programmed events to layout a scenario affecting the game as it progresses. I cant WAIT to see what this community comes up with. And Im expecting Johan to keep adding even after the game is released. Im excited about downloadable Scenarios for CoE3
I haven't played Dominions 2, so I'm not entirely sure what this means. Could you give an example of one of these events?
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