Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X
Is it as moddable as Dom 3 ? Cause mods are where the fun it at. Lately, basicly every stock i game i play, wether it be indie or "big name", stock content sucks donkeyballs.
The stock content here certainly does not suck donkey balls, since it is very much varied.
There is no modding support as of yet. Johan is on record here on this forum saying that there will not probably be modding capability at release, but that it may be added in a patch later. That's all we know.
But when you take the timeframe into account (release on February 20th), adding in modding capability and all the commands, syntax etc, testing that AND writing a manual on par with the game manual and map editor guide, I'm guessing you can take him at his word.
I could be wrong and if I am, you lot can forget about getting any more pre-release info from me, since I'll be too busy writing the damned modding manual to pay any attention to this place...