Originally Posted by vladikus
Well, if it isn't you all. I would like a couple statistics from the beta testers and those who received the leaked version:
I REALLY wish I could give you answers. Its not that Im not allowed to, its just that even after 6 months of playing every day I just dont know.
if you play 10 games, how many do you usually win (based on difficulty levels if there are any.. are there? I read through other posts but may have missed a few)?
The problem with this one is that as much as I WANT to finish a game, that isnt really part of beta testing. At least, not my part. So I have to start a game, play into it just far enough to feel as if Ive seen most of what that nation gets, then start another. I have to try all of the nations, in as many game variables as I can come up with. I also have to try and test all of the server features, and should try to test the mapping things. I feel guilty when I take one of the games too far just because Im having too much fun playing it. ALSO there is the fact that Johan regularly cranks out another version which often makes the old games worthless if not completely unloadable. Some balance experts and well known veteran players were invited to be beta but I havent seen if they have any answers yet
I want to know how challenging and difficult the game is in single player. I enjoy facing superhuman odds and losing (thanks Nethack and DC: Stone Soup).
Im having fun. I started by knocking them down one step (Jester level), graduated up to the default level (Baron), and now I play with them one step higher (Knight) altho I tend to play with one AI ally also set to Knight level. So Im playing at level 4 of 10. The last couple of levels really jump up. Also, I havent even begun the options such as teaming up the AIs and cluster locations for them.
Also, how long does an average game last in singleplayer (based on difficulty levels if there are any--if this is too much work, then disregard this question)?
Again, Im not really supposed to be finishing games. I have played the games continuously for a full day before deciding I was at the point of just general cleanup (I had achieved pretty much all levels and now its down to fighting it out). Sometimes for 2 days straight before feeling like I could foretell the outcome. But I should mention I also play on abnormally large maps with max numbers of AIs