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Old January 26th, 2012, 08:45 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: Fatigue is not very realistic!?

Originally Posted by JonBrave View Post
Errrr, OK. Sooooo, if I understand you correctly, when I put a given sword or shield or armor on someone, I need to think that the item is not "absolute" but rather scaled to the size of the recipient.
Well, that's how it works in Dungeons & Dragons anyway Magic items scale to fit the wielder. The alternative would be to craft a "Fire Brand, size X" where X = 1 to 6 ; and screw that. Dom3 is micro heavy, UI unfriendly enough.

Hmm, yet it does the same damage to the enemy. I hear what you're saying, but I doesn't make sense to me.
But it doesn't though. Give anybody an Enchanted Sword, and it'll do 9+STR damage. So all other things being equal, the giant will still do way more damage with it than the Markata.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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