Thread: Coe 3 Aar
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Old January 27th, 2012, 06:56 PM
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Default Re: Coe 3 Aar

Well go figure Godegisel ran into trouble right away, bumping into a couple of ruffians skulking near the mountains to the northeast. His report said that he dispatched them with ease, continuing on his way. Other reports indicate wolves and moose, which I have given him strict instructions NOT to mess with.

I had an offer from a rough-looking fellow to come work for me. Says he can spot brigands a mile away, and handle a bow too. Of course he wanted 22 gold! I had him flogged out of the tower - his asking price would nearly bankrupt me, and I can get five trusty spearmen for 50 gold. I also got an offer which I would have liked to have taken from from a seasoned military captain, but unfortunately his asking price was more than I have in the treasury. Besides, I need to save my precious gold to create my marvelous enchanted constructs!
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