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Old January 28th, 2012, 09:06 PM

Doo Doo is offline
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Default Re: solo turn based empire builder

Civ IV with the Fall from Heaven 2 mod is great to scratch that fantasy empire building itch. It has complexity but of a different type than Dom3. You need the Beyond the Sword expansion to play Fall from Heaven 2.

Civ V is.... not worth the money. It can be fun and I have enjoyed it but wouldn't recommend it over Civ IV. I hope Civ VI will bring back the glory for the franchise.

Elemental: Fallen Enchantress is looking good. I have the beta and am impressed with what I see. Elemental:War of Magic was a poor game, Fallen Enchantress seems similar but is so much better. Barring an epic failure the game should do well.

Warlock: Master of the Arcane from Paradox looks nice but without being able to see how the combat AI is its hard to say if it will be Civ IV: Fall from Heaven with tactical combat or another Civ V.
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