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Old January 29th, 2012, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: solo turn based empire builder

Originally Posted by Doo View Post
Civ IV with the Fall from Heaven 2 mod is great to scratch that fantasy empire building itch. It has complexity but of a different type than Dom3. You need the Beyond the Sword expansion to play Fall from Heaven 2.

Civ V is.... not worth the money. It can be fun and I have enjoyed it but wouldn't recommend it over Civ IV. I hope Civ VI will bring back the glory for the franchise.

Elemental: Fallen Enchantress is looking good. I have the beta and am impressed with what I see. Elemental:War of Magic was a poor game, Fallen Enchantress seems similar but is so much better. Barring an epic failure the game should do well.

Warlock: Master of the Arcane from Paradox looks nice but without being able to see how the combat AI is its hard to say if it will be Civ IV: Fall from Heaven with tactical combat or another Civ V.
I played Fall from Heaven more than I played Civ IV. Fall from Heaven was freaking awesome. A shame it wasn't made by a full-time team, the Civilopedia could have used some major help.
Elemental is supposed to be a hot mess. I guess we'll see.
That Warlock game has been getting a little buzz from the Civ community, mostly because its graphics are largely the same. We'll see there too.
Have to agree with you on Civ 5. Except my hope is in a major overhaul expansion.

I play Space Empires V, with the balance mod- excellent AI with that, although I don't like the way they've lumped all the ship control technologies together (researching life support systems is not the same as researching crew psychology!!!)

As for Conquest of Elysium, is it really empire building? I think the OP wants diplomacy, construction, social engineering and whatnot. CoE seems more like Domlight
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