Originally Posted by WraithLord
Just wondering, w/ CoE-3 soon to be out what will be the fate of dom-III MP community. Will it shrink, stay the same or maybe grow in size?
I also wonder how many years can a gaming community follow an ancient game w/o withering.
Well, I believe people are still playing the likes of Stars! or VGA Planets which were released back in early-mid 90s. PBEM market niche is quite small and very little served outside of purist wargames.
COE(2) is a different kind of game than Dominions, I don't believe they have to compete in any way. Nor do I expect COE3 to bring more exposure to Dominions, after 5 years and a plenty of press and word of mouth everyone who could be remotely interested in Dominions already heard of it.
In short, I don't think anything would change beyond natural attrition.