Thread: Coe 3 Aar
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Old January 29th, 2012, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Coe 3 Aar

I am sad to report that our dear leader Ostrogotha has been slain. He attacked an iron mine guarded by a group of evil Bakemono and was slain. Ostrogotha was a great leader who earned the respect and admiration of everyone who knew him. His death is a tragic loss for all the people of the realm, and for me most particularly. His last wish was that I, Godegisel, should take over his position of leadership. We are asking everyone to work extra hard in this difficult time, to get us through these dark days.

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Thank god that idiot Ostrogotha’s dead. Just too bad he took some of our troops with him. I am heading back to the crystal tower to shore up our defenses, and then will head out to try to find some more resources, to get us back on our feet. - Godegisel
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