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Old January 29th, 2012, 10:10 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: Scales for the Jomon in CBM 1.92

1 Nature is pretty useless on your god - it's no better than what your recruitables have and site searching at 1 is not good. I'd also question the purpose of taking a rainbow for a nation that already has such awesome site searchers, esp. considering you're pretty vulnerable early game and could do with some help there.

I'd suggest a dormant Lord of Plenty instead of the Enchantress. Air 4, Astral 4, Earth 4, Death 3 (for Shuras). He's much tougher than the Enchantress and brings you more gems to boot. Your Onmyojis and Shugenjas should find you enough F income to empower him in Fire should you get to the stage where you get to summon Dais.
You could also go with a Titan I suppose, since he starts with 2 Air it comes down to the same price. Or a Great General if you're just dying for some mapmove 1 infantry.

You might want to consider Death to pay for it, your mages are pretty long lived and the income loss of 1 point of Death is pretty negligible. Or you could take 1 Misfortune and hope the RNG doesn't decide to hate you.

Not sure I'd really take Production over Order. For early expansion, Yamabushis backed by Ashigarus are pretty solid provided you give them either some indep shield dudes to catch arrows, or an Air monk. A couple of ninjas can also do some damage on provinces other nations would have a hard time getting, like Elephants). Later on, you can count on having enough gold and castles to just vomit Aka-Onis. Even with Prod 3, people seem to believe you won't be able to make enough Samurai Archers fast enough that they'll be more efficient at shooting stuff than indy shortbows en masse would be, esp. in the armour heavy late age.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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