Originally Posted by ArkhanTheBlack
Liked the Necromancer report. Gives a good impression about what's about to come and how it plays. Very nice. 
If you liked the Necro AAR so far, you're going to love the latest update!
Originally Posted by onomastikon
Excuse me, hoping this place might be right for this question:
I love Dominions3 for my multiplayer itch, and find it vastly suboptimal for my single-player needs. Am I right in understanding that COE3 is almost the other way around? That is, it is designed as a single-player game and will come with a dedicated, halfway challenging AI? Or am I mistaken? Any verbose discourse on the AI / SP-applicability of this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You came to the right place to ask, yes. And you're correct on all counts. CoE3 is much more a SP game, but it also has excellent multiplayer capabilities if you like to set up an MP game with a couple of friends. The MP side is very much blitz, but SP is challenging and each of the 17 (so far) classes has a separately programmed AI.
Gandalf can discuss the AI in more detail, since he has paid more attention to that side, but since there are separate AIs, they usually know what they are doing and can be surprisingly competent. I've gotten steamrolled a few of times even by level 4 (out of 10) AI and if you ramp it up much more than that (depending on what you play yourself), you're going to get smashed to pulp.