Originally Posted by Iron Duke
The great oak in the very heart of Arcoscephale bears the last hope of survival against the rulers of the realm of death. Think twice before acting to burn the oak, because if such happens, there will be no one left to check the expansion of Helheim, already a major power.
Do not take the nations of Shadowshore as fools upon a stage, your puppets to be yanked hither and yon. The nation of Arcosephale has shown itself to be much larger, richer and more advanced than the vast majority upon this land. To say that Helheim is already a great power is to indicate that either one does not invest in scouts or that one does not know how to count beyond six. We have had early success in combating your tyrany by using hit and run tactics with our glamoured forces but we need the strength of a sturdy ally if our small nation is to fight your large and advanced one- it is for this reason that we call upon potential allies on the world stage.
Nations of Tir Na Nog, Pangea, Mictlan, Niefelheim, hear my call; the pretender of the philosopher nation will whisper sly lies in your ears to make you fear the guardians of the grave stone (ie- us) but heed not their wicked lies- it is them that is the greatest threat and not us. Month after month they already have the capability to call upon an ‘animal horde’ showing their mastery of the more advanced forms of conjuration and it will only be a matter of months, not years before we see the elemental royalty, the ancient titans of air, lords of the ember, and even dead gods of tartarus bow a knee in servitude to these abominations. NO! We will not see such a day. We must fight them, all together, and stop them before this happens! It is for this reason that we must transplant the oak.