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Old February 2nd, 2012, 01:55 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: this was a bummer...

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 View Post
And to answer the other question about Noobs. Yes. 2 weeks ago I had never played an MP game and Now I'm 2 Noob games and hopefully a 3rd soon. They are very enjoyable and you learn a lot from watching and the boards. They take very little time also.
Take it from this sucker: yeah, early turns take 5 minutes.
You don't want to be playing multiple mid-to-end games at once though. It will eat your life.

When I first started playing dominions MP and was *really* OCD about everything, even playing 2 games at the same time (one late game, one early-mid) occupied almost all of my daily brain time. I'm serious - I could barely concentrate on my work.
These days I don't get as involved any more. I think. I still try to restrict myself to one game, or at least give each successive game a couple months' head start.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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