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Old February 3rd, 2012, 01:33 AM

Shangrila00 Shangrila00 is offline
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Default Re: Fire Archers Command

Originally Posted by Kobal2 View Post
It's possible they got attacked in melee and that borked their scripting.
Sometimes I think the game is specifically out to screw the players. I've had that happen, a bunch of archers get attacked by a handful of melee troops and then decide to charge after those die or run.

On the other hand, I've had a terrible time getting horse archers to do exactly that. TC's horse archers are nasty in melee, so sometimes you just want them to charge, like when dealing with archer heavy armies. Script it and they will, annihilating the enemy blockers with their lances, and you'd think the battle is in the bag as your horsemen run down the surviving blockers and hack the archers to bits. Nope, all your horsemen promptly decide to stop their charge and trade arrows with the enemy archers.

I'd say units revert to default orders which is presumably fire closest for ranged units once whoever they are fighting runs, but then why to archers charge when you don't want them to?

@Korwin, yeah, but the question is what else they'd fire at, if there are other ranged targets than just regular bows.
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