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Old February 4th, 2012, 05:08 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: this was a bummer...

Originally Posted by Torin View Post
I disagree with posters here that claim everithing is fine.
I started creating MP games with random nations only because some players only play with nations that exploits an horrendous feature. They only play with nations like vanheim that can cloud trapeze a thug with sneak ability and then sneak out. Why cant you zap him with a spell like it would be logical. because he sneaks before spell. Isnt that ridiculous?
That needs to be changed by a patch.
I fixed that creating only random games. I know who are the players that like to use exploits ande they never join my games because they wouldnt perform with a random nation.
Err... wot ? It's not an exploit in any way, shape or form. It's just something Vanheim can do that other nations can't. Every nation has some proprietary feature that gives them an edge. Is it an exploit that MA Ermor/LA C'tis can vomit hundreds of free, superior undead from their caps every turn, that TC can recruit lots of superb research mages with barely any gold investment, that Hinnom will wreck your armies early game even without a bless because that's how it (literally) rolls, that Panir freespawn a dozen maenads per turn each or that Arco can afford to mindhunt even other astral nations in bulk because it has priestesses to heal the feebleminds instantly ?

Speaking of which, mind hunt alone will wreck a Vanheim player relying solely on that particular strat. Just sayin' .
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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