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Old February 5th, 2012, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by Doo View Post
I played CoE2 yesterday and experienced how a couple of random factors can determine if you have a fast or slow start. On this note, is there an option for the map to be known but still with fog of war? Even scrying spells retain their value if they lift the fog of war to reveal defender strength. Or an option for the map to be known in an area around your home, just to make the starting game "fairer", as I just realised you would know where the enemies start. Unless you make it so their homes are hidden on a revealed map until you actually see it. Considerations for future patches.....
No way to reveal the map anymore since Johan removed the debug console. No option for a wider vision start, though that could be done through a command line switch I suppose, --vision=NBR (2, 3 or 4 squares), but any more than that would be too much. Even 2 squares (which some classes get due to their fort) is a lot on small maps.

Originally Posted by Doo View Post
CoE3 does seem such a quick game, more time is spent writing and editing screen shots for the AAR than playing the game. When its released I might try do a completely youtube AAR.
Yes, much more time. The Necromancer AAR I'm writing generally requires quite a bit of time to take and edit the screenshots (mainly the editing part) so that you can squeeze all the stuff in there rather than have 1 million screenshots.

As you may have noticed, the narrative is now moving along with several turns per post after I got done with the initial exploration and destroyed the High Cultist.
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