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Old February 6th, 2012, 02:05 PM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by onomastikon View Post
Just curious what you beta testers believe so far to be the case: In Dom3, the least savory aspect of its combination of features for me was that summons are almost always much better than recruitable national units; this causes me to want to play games others do not particularly care for (e.g. very low site frequency, hard research, etc.), which does not "solve" my "problem" but makes things more like I prefer: viability of recruitable national units in all stages of the game.

How is this in CoE3? Is it the case here, too, to the same, lesser, or greater degree that summons makes recruiting troops quickly obsolete?
Thank you.
Short of some nations that can get massive income of resources because their resources are so very common, gold income is liable to be a lot more than the other special stuff, which means that you will be able to recruit far more armored troops.

And even the classes that can get massive resource income on short notice have the drawbaack that whereas a necro major summon costs 80 hands of glory, their costs somewhere around 750 resources unless they want to fight what they summoned.

Essentially, outside of some demon lords or the doom horrors, you will never be able to field summons alone that can guarantee you victory when facing regular troops. Super combatants in CoE3 are far less super than in Dom3. They cannot survive without supporting troops, because they can't kill the enemy fast enough and the insect stings of the normal infantry will eventually wear them down and kill them.

Put mage support behind the infantry and the summons rapidly become far less of a problem.

Some battlefield summon spells can turn the tide, but they are mainly restricted to the Demonologist and the Troll King's mum after she does an upgrade (which ain't cheap).
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