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Old February 6th, 2012, 07:05 PM

Hrum Hrum is offline
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Default Re: if u buy dom3...

Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post
Then check Edi's DB. It tells more than the manual does.
Link to Edi's DB (Shrapnel thread):
(Follow the link in the first post, and the latest version is actually 3.26.)

I find the wiki tremendously helpful, but as noted in one of Soyweiser's sig quotes, some players have been confused / frustrated by the fact that the stats listed for units on the wiki are not adjusted for the gear the unit is wearing. This is obvious to experienced players, but new players may not realize that when looking at (for example):

...The Abysian heavy infantry unit entry is showing the base protection and encumbrance of that unit as it would be naked (prot 0, enc 2) as well as the base defense (def 9). The unit you recruit in game will come equipped with gear, increasing the protection to something much better and the encumbrance to something much worse, and altering the defense as well (the equipped weapon also affects attack & def numbers, and again the wiki doesn't show you what that resulting stat is). You can check the unit stats in game to find out what the stats are as adjusted by the armor (& weapon) it's wearing, or if you don't have the game in front of you, you can check Edi's DB for the Plate Hauberk, Iron Cap & Tower Shield and do the math yourself. Unfortunately, the wiki doesn't currently have the armor and weapon stats.

The wiki is awesome, and I use it all the time, but it doesn't have everything so it takes a little familiarization to understand how it's presenting the unit data.
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