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Old February 7th, 2012, 07:50 AM

CoyoteTheClever CoyoteTheClever is offline
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by ArkhanTheBlack View Post
Do the summoning rituals always summon the same type of creature or do they vary?

Do the recruitment sites have some alignment preconditions such as certain troops not joining super evil characters like high cultists?

On a side note, I've seen that CoE2 had elve classes in it, but both were removed although the dwarves remained. I wonder if the designers have something against elves?! Actually it would have been nice to have a 'good' character class for a change. Most of the other classes seem to be just different grades of evil.
That's kind of the thing with the Dominions and Elysium-verse though. It has never been about good versus evil, its been about mythological and sometimes real creatures as well as ancient civilizations fighting each other in a death match of awesomeness.

What exactly makes elves "good" anyways? They are still out to kill everyone and conquer the land like the rest.
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