Re: AAR High Cultist & Troll King alliance
arrggh everyone else gets to have all the fun!
Olgothu has discovered another nation. Well, he only found an outlying farmhouse. But it is flying a nations color (blue).
Now I must make a hard decision. My rituals are:
Call of the Deep (15 sacrifices)
Contact Deep Ones (60)
Contact Old Ones (100)
Olgothu only has:
Call of the Deep (15)
Ceremony of Mastery (50)
I have 90 sacrifices saved up. I was waiting to see what worthwhile target would appear. But now, should I allow Olgothu to do his ceremony? Then he will be as powerful as I am. But it will give him new spells and more rituals.
Well he doesnt need anything to take one unprotected farm. I will wait for more information. Maybe I can find some worthwhile target to make it logical that I withhold his chance to advance.