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Old February 14th, 2012, 06:28 PM
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Bullock Bullock is offline
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Default The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs // Team BAD (Bbz - Bullock) WIN !!

After several "classic" games i'd like to give a try to a team fight. Since we are lucky enough to get a lot of newcomers i think this type of game could allow some people to play together while they couldn't in any other type of game due to difference of level/xp between them.

I think also it's a best way for noobies to learn the game watching the good player (and maybe intermediate ^^)while still in a fun and fair game.

So they would be 3 teams as the title suggest:

1 good player
2 Intermediates
4 noobs

Which means at this point it is a 7 players games. However if the idea is meeting some success we can increase the number of players. (or make 2 teams of intermediate/noob/pro)

Concerning the mods i'm planning to set CBM & prolly nothing more since it's a noob player friendly game.

I'm also considering any suggestion about the rules that must be applied. I think it could be fair to forbid any Diplo between the intermediates & the good for example.

Before giving some more accurate settings for the game (maps, ressources income...) i want to see how popular the idea is, so join first !

Any suggestion to improve the theme is appreciated.


Map: Aran
Mod: CBM 1.92 / Streamers and standards / Multi Era mod.

Indi 7
Gems income 60
HoF 15
Others at default.

Turn length: 30h then 48h later on.
Diplo: Everything is allowed.
Victory condition : Last team standing or a consensus on who is the winner.


Da Good:
-Nosantee / MA Arcoscephale

Da Good 2:
-Excist / EA Hinnom

-Bullock / LA Abysia
-bbz / EA Fomoria

-Samoht / EA Niefelheim
-Legendary League / LA Ulm
-Vangard / EA Caelum

Last edited by Bullock; May 20th, 2012 at 07:17 AM..
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