I'd be interested, but I'd love to play as EA Fomoria.Since I got some free time on my hands and I'd love to give those giants a try (And the newest CBM which you plan to use anyways

I also love team play so I really like the idea of a team game. I'd rate myself as a mixture of intermediate and noob, Ive had 4 games so far so you decide which one I am.
Although i think it will be a bit unfair to have a game 2v1 or 4v1 even if the one is an expert vs 4 noobs the sheer numbers are overwhelming I think. What would be nice though is 8 players set in teams of 2. This way you can communicate and plan on strategies together and if we can get 4 intermediate players each to team up with a noob that would be nice and good learning experience. Also there can be interesting intra-team strategies.
Thats the think if you team up 4 noobs together they wouldnt learn that much from eachother, while if you team up 1 noob and 1 intermediate/expert you can get a good play. or something like 1 noob + 1 expert vs 1 intermediate+ 1 intermediate player. That kindoff assignment would be good I think.(although I think that might change your theme quite a bit so I guess I am happy with the whole 1 v 2 v 4 thingy aswell if you want to go on with it
