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Old February 16th, 2012, 08:46 AM

onomastikon onomastikon is offline
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Yes, Tom Chick has some very good and exceptionally positive write-ups of CoE3 over at Quarter-two-Three. Looks great!

Originally Posted by Edi View Post
The dwarves are fun, yes, but only if you find mines that are conquerable. If the nearest mine is 15 turns march away (extremely unlikely but possible), it's going to be a slow game and probable defeat.

Or if the nearest mine gives you a scouting report to the tune of "Iron Mine. There are 32 units here, 17 Dwarves and 15 Dwarf Warriors", you can forget about it right then and there...
That sounds very unfortunate. Exactly the kind of contingency-dependence I would have liked to see avoided. Do you feel that this is something that people (whatever that means: The majority of beta-testers, or JK and KO) feel need and will be "fixed"?

Another question: Does the AI do well with teaming? That is, will the AI recognize common goals and try to help its teammates reasonably?
Thank you
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