Thread: phenix pyre
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Old February 16th, 2012, 08:52 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: phenix pyre

Originally Posted by Shangrila00 View Post
Hmm, does any SC chassis have access to that path combination besides Pretenders?
I once got a Tartarian Titan (male) with fire, astral, and death... But that's one Tartarian out of many games.

For all practical purposes, to get a Phoenix Pyre/Soul Drain killer commander you need either to design your pretender to be capable of it or to take up empowering big time.

It is really a niche use, even in CBM, which made Soul Drain considerably easier to cast.

And without some sort of native reinvigoration, it can easily be countered by deploying only lifeless units.

But when you have an immortal pretender with multiple strong magic paths defending his own dominion against the invading forces of the three other remaining nations in the game, it can be a game changer if you hold it in reserve while forcing your enemies to concentrate their forces and then spring it as a surprise.
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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