Thread: T'ien C'hi
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Old February 17th, 2012, 07:56 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: T'ien C'hi

Not much has changed significantly since besides hammer removal (leaves you with perhaps fewer crystal matrices, but more Earth income instead), EDM summons and the recent edits to scales. In fact, I'd say CBM has shifted more and more towards scales builds and communions since Baalz wrote his guide, so...

Of the EDM summons, you can get to Grendelkins relatively easily (E2W1 Imperial Alchemist with both W boosters and Earth boots) and they're up one of your main paths. You can also get to Cyclopses and Mechanical Giants (E2 wizard with boots, summon Troll king, give him the boots, make earth ring, good to go). A bit of luck (or an easy empowerment) might net you an N2 Celestial Master, which would open Moonvine Bracelets. A Naiad with that and a mace gets you Treants. If you get your feet wet, no trouble spamming Krakens either.

Taking A4 on your god might be an idea, both for boosters and Asynjas/Shishis, but it's also quite expensive. Not sure the trade-off is really worth it. I'd say you're better off using your A income on flying boots for your Celestial Masters and Imperial Alchemists and/or cloud trapezing the A2 ones around ; as well as battlefield air magic (Arrow Fend, Fog Warriors, Mass Flight, Mists of Deception, Wind Guide)
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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