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Old February 20th, 2012, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 2, 11/12 remaini

Originally Posted by 3V4JKZ2 View Post
Yeah, I wasn't expecting my bluff to get called.
It would have been different if it were mid-late game and I didn't know the composition of your forces or where they might be on the map. As it is in the early game I knew you had a small army because you simply couldn't have produced a large one at that point. And as soon as I came into contact I sent my scouts your way, plus my dominion spread, I had a pretty good idea that you COULDN'T have taken me at any point, but I didn't want a war in the first four turns. It would have been suicidal for the both of us.

Also, at the point I started attacking you my army was roughly three times larger than yours (units multiplied by unit size) so I knew that I had significantly more units than you considering you mostly have giants. If the score graphs weren't on it might have been harder to call your bluff.
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