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Old February 20th, 2012, 01:39 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: LA Marignon Questions

First things first: you don't need an awake SC for expansion: a dozen royal guards backed by 10-20 crossbows clear most any indies. You don't need super high dom even against Ermor and Rlyeh because you have Holy 3 inquisitors to preach them away. And you most certainly don't want a bless for the flagellants because they suck horribly, and would suck horribly even with an all-9 bless if such a thing was even possible. If you want to roll with a bless, tailor it to your wizards and/or the angels - Earth, Nature, Astral for the angels ; Earth, Death for the wizards.

S4 is not good on an god you intend to fight with, because of magic duel. You need S7 to be safe from cheapo S1 mages trying to snipe him dead. You could be happy with S6, because that only gives them 1/36 chances to zap him but... yeah.

Me, I'd consider taking F1D2 on my god, to open up skulls of fire to bring an F3 master to F4 (you can get F4 geotic masters natively, but that's only 1/160 chance unless I botched the math). Also E2 to give the E1 masters boots so they can remotely sitesearch it. Maybe N2B2 for armour of thorns to let B3 masters reach B4 to spam boosters, but then again there an empowerment is not much of a problem.

Here are a couple ideas:

Sleeping crone, F1E4S4N4D1, Dom 6, Order 3 Heat 2 Growth 3 Magic 1. Go Thaum 2 first for auspex/augury and bonds of fire (great spell against many rushes), then Evoc 3 for fireball and arcane search ; then up to you. Either Const 6 for lanterns to make everything else easy if you can turtle quietly, or Alt 4 Ench 5 for wind guided flaming crossbows, or evoc for falling fires/holy pyre/storm+lighting spam, or straight up blood for devils of various shapes and sizes and fallen angels. I wouldn't rush the regular angels, pearls are hard to come by in the LA and it's going to be a while until you can summon one (plus they need buffs anyway)

Another option would be an F4S4B6 sleeping blood fountain, dom 7 O3H2G3Mis1Mag1 (or turmoil 1 luck 3). Go const 2, blood 1, thaum 3 (to teleport your blood fountain around, while bloodhunting the capital for a few turns is no big it's best to send it somewhere that doesn't generate quite so much money ASAP) ; start bloodhunting end of year 1, spam Soul Contracts, lead your hordes of devils with harlequins wielding scepters of authority and raid your nearest neighbour until he cries.

Sailing doesn't work with mapmove 1 units, no - they'd end their move in the water.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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