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Old February 20th, 2012, 04:33 PM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: Feeble mind not healing?

Originally Posted by Bwaha View Post
Well shatter deals with golems quite fine, so it's a one trick pony...

SCs used to be the bomb in dom2.

Now they have to travel in groups to work well...
That's ridiculous. Individual SCs can carve right through armies, provided that said armies don't have SCs of their own coming with them, or mages scripted to screw SCs right over. Moreover, shatter tends not to work as well as it seems like it should, as anything you are likely to use it on is probably going to cut you apart first - unless you have a Troll King or similar use it, which brings me back to the enemy SC caveat. Then there's the matter of PD - a decent SC can cut down 125 PD without difficulty, which means that the mere presence of SCs is one of the preventative measures that prevents players from spending a huge amount of money on PD.
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