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Old February 20th, 2012, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 2, 11/12 remaini

Originally Posted by legowarrior View Post
I can't believe how awesome Major Astral Bless seems to be with the undead.
Yeah a major astral bless is great for undead. They can use all the magic resistance they can get. And the twist fate isn't too shabby either, considering how frail they normally are.

If I ever get the chance to play MA Ermor again I'm strongly considering a bless strategy even though they're not a nation built for bless. Their sacred vestal ladies are already ethereal with good MR and defense and a magical spear, but add a major astral and good water, and you have units that basically can't be hit. They would have insane defense, great MR, a good number of attacks, and you still have to consider that you're going to miss most of the time (with normal weapons) becuase of ethereal, and the first time you ACTUALLY get past all of that... POOF! Twist fate, sucka.

Of course when you do actually hit them... they don't have any armor and just 9 HP if I remember correctly.

But all of that is considering what they're looking like before all of the Unholy magic available to boost their MR, attack and speed even more. INSAAAAANE!

Last edited by samoht; February 20th, 2012 at 06:54 PM..
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