Yeah, when a battle ends, there are five more rounds (I think it's always five, but like Immaculate I'm not totally sure) of regeneration, reinvigoration, poisoning, decay, and other such lingering processes. Probably freezing and burning too. Everybody on the winning side just stands still and develops, and then the battle
really ends. And while this is happening you can see damage numbers (green if it's due to poison) rising from them. Are you seeing your units die then parone? Or do they visibly survive even that? It's my impression that if they survive those five rounds, then the poison will leave them and they'll live, even if they had more poison in them than hit points. Or like if they flee the field while dying of a huge dose of poison, and they manage to reach the end before it kills them... hmm actually I've never been sure what happens to units in that case.