Thread: Double Shield ?
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Old February 21st, 2012, 01:55 PM

BewareTheBarnacleGoose BewareTheBarnacleGoose is offline
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Default Re: Double Shield ?

I think that would be a bad idea, unless your pretender is 0 enc, and since it sounds like you are talking about a Great Mother, it's not. Trampling racks up crazy enc, and the blacksteel shields add 2 enc each! Also, shields add defense, which is the, defense...against chaff, because each subsequent attack subtracts 2 defense. Protection is better, so a black steel plate would be a better use of gems, and you wont need that after you can research stoneskin. If you are using CBM, an owl quill is good gear for tramplers, as it now lowers base enc, but any reinvigoration gear is useful. With enough reinvigoration, dual shields can be useful, but shields with magic effects like vine, accursed, charcoal, gold, or lantern shields are all better than those that just provide defense.
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