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Old February 23rd, 2012, 01:47 AM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) (recruiting! 11/12)

Alright, so beyond T'ien C'hi switching over to Abysia, I don't think we have the last slot.

Would everyone like to go with just 11 people (by majority consensus, excluding me)?

I would also like to set a policy on rollbacks. I believe in general, we should avoid them like smallpox. But, if there is a turn (early on, mind), in which the supermajority (i.e. 80%) push for one, we can have it. If we agree, I can also give Ossa his random'd nation.

Also guys, if you're afraid of Ermor, don't fret! I'd suggest communioned banishments (for those of us with access to Astral and Holy mages). Or a crystal matrix+high level priest and a communion. Also Crystal shield.

If you don't have access to that, well: wind guided-flaming arrow'd armies of archers always work. Lammashatas potentially, and lesser horrors if you're into blood. Communion'd thunderstrikes? Large AoE spells like fire clouds also do well.

...I will also be willing to forge Flambeaus for those who wish to pay the price (forge cost+a small fee for the mage turn).
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