Originally Posted by onomastikon
Thank you. Not understanding a couple of things, but maybe I will later.
The Desura forum does not seem suitable for decent discussion of this great game -- you cannot even see titles of threads!
What confuses me a bit is that after 5 hours of play, I have not seen a use for the differentiation between blunt, pierce, and slashing damage. Playing the Baron, I have yet to see any of mine own or opponent troops with any form of resistance or susceptibility vs. these. Odd, too, since it is such a great mechanic with great potential.
Squeletons-based units usually have pierce resist, and a few others units (often undeads, but I have not tested all classes yet) get it too when applicable.
From what I see currently, pierce seems to be the more common damage for basic recruited units (bows, spears, etc ...), but alos the one with the more resists out there.
I also found once a magic item giving blunt resist to the wielder.
Similarly, as the Baron, I cannot see any difference between the Halbardiers and the Pikemen: both cost the same and have exactly the same stats, except that the halberd is superior to the pike, unless there is something hidden we cannot see. So what is the Pikeman's raison d'etre?
thank you much
I didn't test the Baron, but the pike probably has the "long" property, allowing it to strike from the second rank.
"But the pikemen are front rank, not middle !" you will say, but note that when there are too many units in a rank, they are aligned on several ranks. This means that if you get a large (>20 I think) number of pikemen, you could get all of them to strike, while only the first haldberd would be able too.
Ideally by playing on unit id (the element wich is used to order them), you could in theory have halberds in front and pikes after them to optimize their usage.