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Old February 23rd, 2012, 12:51 PM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: Immaculate-002: Late Age for Noobs (now in the mid-game)

Originally Posted by triqui View Post
To Shaetner: I'm sad you arent happy with your enchantment being knocked down, but casting a enchantment that make everybody ages fast when your "ally" has a nation that more than half of their mages have severe old age problems is almost casus belli. It's like poisoning our wells and telling us it's unfair to clean it. It looks like Tien Chi doesnt share this vision, which means that either they don't care about their own old mages (maybe they don't recruit them), or that they didn't notice your subtle attempt to decimate everybody magical support to secure your domination of the world. In any case, I did what I thought it was best for my reign.

See you all in the Battlefields I guess
Aqualibrium's been castin' Well of Misery which does two things:
1) Everyone (you, me, and everyone else) gets 10% more income from their provinces
2) I get a butt load of death gems

What you are thinking of is Burden of Time, which causes all units to age a year or more every turn and is really bad news for old dudes.

Two completely different spells with radically different effects.

Edit: T'ien Ch'i probably doesn't care because he enjoys getting more money. Plus the spell says it eases the woes and aches of all the world's peoples so his old mages probably appreciate the spell cuttin' down on their arthritis.
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