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Old February 23rd, 2012, 03:53 PM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) (recruiting! 11/12)

Originally Posted by Shardphoenix View Post
In my experience, they usually kill a necromancer first.
Really? Everytime I use them, they go after the enemy.

And once their dead and routed, they come after me. Different experiences I guess.

16 communion slaves? That`s a really big communion.
8 actually. Power of the Spheres affects H as well. You can also use a prophetized S mage to reduce the number of necessary slaves down. You can also settle for an H5 or H4, if you're short on slaves. Really, the extra Hs give you more banishment AoEs and higher penetration. Every +1H gives +1 magic penetration against MR, and while Ermor has Protection of the Sepulchre for +4, I believe it's MR negates easily so it takes many castings to apply it to a large portion of their troops. At least, in my LA Ermor games. Having H6 just means +5 penetration, so the undead can make barely any checks (substitute for penetration items also).

Even with just a small communion, you can PotS and give the Iron Priest slaves H3, which is still fairly effective at clearing undead (and again 0 fatigue) (while the master is rolling H4-7 and still clearing swathes of undead per cast).

Tower shields.
It's still alot of armor piercing missiles flying about (will get through the unshielded undead chaff which they have, and have a decent chance at taking down tower shielded ones: think of them as crossbow batteries). Not as effective as high level holy banishments, but it's still quite effective. Throw out enough missiles and eventually shields are only an inconvenience.

If you`re communioned already - why not add "summon earthpower"?
There we go! Now all your Iron priest slaves/matrixed mages re rolling E3-5 (5 with an E2 and Boots). Chain-casts of Earthquakes destroy large chaff armies, and army buff spells like Legion of Steel/Weapons of Sharpness help the staying power of even weak indy chaff into effective blockers against undead hordes.

Of course you are - after all, Marignon is a closest thing to a silver bullet against Ermor - H3 High Inquisitors, Harbringers, Holy Pyre...
Wasn't my first choice for a nation (you took it ), but yeah. Mari's almost never afraid of Ermor (esp. with blood sacrifice to push back Ermor dominion). And personal opinion, but Ulm should have the tools to fight back easily, provided you keep up dominion (Counts, your own army of chaff to block/buy time, communionable holy mages [which are just as/more effective than plain H3 mages, mind, since they're, you know, useful at something other than banishments and can be empowered to higher levels of H], and major access to earth/fire evocations [with a crystal matrix], plus death/blood/astral). And if push comes to shove...Hellpower an entire communion of Second Tiers, horror mark, and getting the hell [heh heh, pun] out of Dodge.

If anything, I'll barely be building any High Inquisitors (a prophet, a few more to maintain dominion/go for potential domkills, and that's it). If I'm next to Ermor, I'll be Sabbathing/communioning Goethics, with a matrix to the prophet. HIs just aren't worth buying over Goethics and Mapmakers (name?), in anything more than small quantities. H3 is nice, but communion power is better (and they can still research/blood hunt/site search/forge in their spare time). Goethic communions will be doing most of my heavy lifting.

5 Yays. One more for us to kick it of.
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