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Old February 23rd, 2012, 07:53 PM
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Shardphoenix Shardphoenix is offline
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) (recruiting! 11/12)

They're good at pushing back dominion, but not for anything else.
They are good out of the box, without any research. And Ermor is much easier to kill if you start the war turn 6-7. Later on it becomes much more of a problem, due to much larger number of freespawn.
Also, smite spam from 5+ priests is pretty cruel early on, so you won`t have a problem finding something to do for them.

through crystal matrix on all slaves is still respectable and allows you to waste a large number of gems really fast.

a 5-man goethic communion/sabbath gets PotS
An astral pearl for every skirmish?

a 5-man goethic communion/sabbath gets PotS, and thus guaranteed H3 on all slaves
Goethics are only H1 in CBM. PotS gives them another +1. 1+1=2 :P
Remember, communion slaves get communion bonus only for spells that masters cast.
BTW, casting Sabbath immediately gives them 50 (49?) fatigue, so they`ll pass out faster (important when fighting against really big undead armies)
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