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Old February 24th, 2012, 12:10 AM

Torgon Torgon is offline
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Default Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Running))

Originally Posted by Excist View Post

I have to say that this definitely is the most brutal game I have been in and I think the only nations that haven't felt that at one point or another is Helheim and Mictlan.

I, myself, had done some majorly expensive moves of desparation to save myself from the jaws of defeat that have luckily panned out well.

Fomoria's very existence and rebound into life is due to TNN and Hinnom bidding for my attention, so I am sure they felt that way. At peak I had a couple of months where I was combatting Marverni, Fomoria, Hinnom and TNN forces simultaneously. I've never seen anything like that before haha.

This game has been exciting and action packed all the way through.
I am quite amazed that I am still alive as well. Although in all honesty, the quality of my turns has bee diminishing rapidly. I think I've pulled off some interesting maneuvers in light of the situation I was placed in.

Looking back I'm pretty sure of a few things I would have done differently.

1. Make sure I knew what the Argathan bless was prior to attacking. Your scales and bless will probably doom you in the long run, but early on its pretty sick and nearly unstoppable.

2. Attack Tir instead of Argatha early. I was completely boxed in, so sitting back and relaxing wasn't an option I had to attack someone. I picked a fight with Argatha and lost horribly, basically ending the game for myself within the first year or so, even if I did keep holding on. I think my blessed unmarked could have held their own against an early Tir.

3. Not use the strat I focused on with such a cramped map. My strategy, while a bless focused one, was geared more towards the late game. The real unit that benefits from the W9 bless are Formorias morrigans all the way up at conj 6. I was never able to expand, never able to build up a good gem income, and thus never able to really leverage this advantage. I should have geared more towards the early game with such a tight map.
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