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Old February 24th, 2012, 06:39 AM

Flop Flop is offline
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Default Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Iron Duke View Post
Oh yeah? Well I'll do you a favor and save you some scouting. I might have turned the tide against helheim( I was just doing so) except hinnom invaded our land from the south, ermor broke his nap-3 the moment he got wind of mictlan fighting two nations to do some scavenging. And some barbarian horde suddenly decided it'd be a grand idea to lay siege to one of my newly completed forts. So yeah it's been tough for me, though I didn't "make the helheim's conquest a little too easy" these things happen, maybe I'll see you in another game and who knows it'll be someone else to fall down first...
No offense, but I do think that two stale turns in a row are making things easier for him (and anyone else that may be invading you). That said, I sympathise with your situation in the game, as I've tried the same thing, in my only previous MP game. And yeah, stale turns do happen, and I guess they are to be expected once in a while.

Still, as HoleyDooley points out, it probably would have been a good idea to at least let us know what is going on, especially since we've been speculating about that, in this thread, for several days.

Anyway, I'm glad that you're still in the game, and I apologize for writing you off so soon.
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