February 24th, 2012, 05:30 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Re: Jomon: The Courts of the Ryu
Originally Posted by shatner
Glad you like the mod, Torgon.
Those are all good points about the Ryujin. However, the Ryujin maintains its role as a special bonus mage in MA Jomon because you'll want to be hiring Saigu at the capital as often as you can, so being able to recruit a capital-level caster in your water provinces is a nice bonus. Speaking in abstract, I wouldn't be averse to tweaking the Ryujin to be more competitive in the Middle Era, but before Legowarrior or I commit to that, we want to do some more playtesting to see what changes are truly needed.
But don't take my word for it. Download the mod and play a game or two with MA Jomon. If you find you never use the Ryujin because of the cost, or lack of self-blessing, or anything else, please post your findings here and Legowarrior and I will adjust the mod accordingly. It is in beta, after all, and that's exactly the sort of test-driven feedback we're looking for.
I've only been testing them out in single player so far, and just didn't find myself recruiting them very often. The Saigus always got the captital slot.