Re: LA Marignon Questions
Yea, gold events are only ever bad if you hate your recruitable mages.
And as for the gem events, they vary quite a bit in potency. Some events like broken mirror, or cursed by a witch, will only give you one 1d6 gems. Open ended rolls just like any other dice in this game. So you could theoretically get an infinite amount of gems from a single event. 2d6 events are probably the most common though and there are at least four 4d6 events.
I did some counting earlier and apparently watergems are the most common type to get from events as two out of four 4d6 events are water and they also have several other good events. I once got 90+ watergems from my turmoil/Luck dominion by turn 30. I was playing LA Agartha. I did not have even a single watermage.
Death is also very common if you have death scales. Least common are blood followed by air.
And a last point about order VS luck. Luck is best if you have a small empire or high dominion as it relies on you having your luck scales in every province. Order is better for nations with weak dominion as your capitol benefits disproportionally.