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Old February 27th, 2012, 09:07 AM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Ulmish Drain magic spell

Drain Magic only works for 9 turns. I think the total fatigue it gives is 45, maybe slightly higher. Obviously it is fairly powerful but it's meant to be a key spell for the nation.

Balancing Ulm is difficult - it's easy to make them strong in the early game (which it seems CBM has possibly overdone), but keeping them competitive later on is very difficult. Drain Magic is an attempt to help with that.

In the next release the following changes are planned:

- Change the H3 Blessing of Iron spell. Either make it H4 or make it require research.
- Remove the 50 resource capital site.
- Do something with the national Forge spell. Probably remove it.

I think those changes will make quite a big difference in moving Ulm back into the middle of the power spectrum. The Blessing of Iron spell is probably the worst culprit in making them currently a bit OP.

Also, fair point about LA Man, but the last couple of patches have added content and buffs to most of the weaker nations (including Eriu to some extent), so I think LA Man is the exception rather than the rule. The trouble with LA Man is I can't figure out what the theme is. It just seems dull.
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