Originally Posted by llamabeast
Drain Magic only works for 9 turns. I think the total fatigue it gives is 45, maybe slightly higher. Obviously it is fairly powerful but it's meant to be a key spell for the nation.
I see so it should work like rigor mortis. I assume 10AN damage and 50% chance of getting hit by it. Although when I tested it on turn 7-8 of the battle with of force of 60 undead units 90% fo them were with fatigue 100+ most of them 120-30 and some of them 177,150 etc. Out of 60 I had 5ish units with 20 or less fatigue 10 with 50+ reaching 90s. and the rest had fatigued out some taking damage from fatigue(thats at the end of the spell)
Can I make a suggestion: can the damage be changed from 10AN to 10-15 normal damage(subject to tweaking) this way the spell can take care of the chaff units wheres your troops buffed by the standard (for everyone) weapons of sharpness buff can take care of the elite units the enemies has. (if the damage is normal you will still do 20ish fatigues to most units I think or at least judging by the way the spell behaved) and the more so on lightly protected targets. This give the opponents a chance to counter it by casting Army of X. or spells that buff prot. Hence you have a counter to the spell and its not too powerull late game but its still usefull against masses of chaff early on.
Reasons for my suggestion: Ulm also hasn't got a huge reason to for construction 7-8 since it has most of the gear that it needs.(well as much as other nations) since it has the means to deal with elite units of other nations easily via this spell. and since it has the forge

. (well lets say less reason than most nations)
So all they need to deal with the elite units (witch come for other nations rather late) is this spell. so they have the counters before the threat has come(which is not good I think since it gives ulm time to creat threats before the other nations even think of getting a counter for it).
P.s Observation: luck didnt seem to counter the fatigue damage.
P.s also if its meant to be a key spell for the nation why the research for it is lvl 4?(Agartha gets its key spell at level 9 and most other nations get them lvl7-8-9)
Also I Like the Idea of the blessing requireing H4 rather then research since in a late game battle it is equial to 5-6 castings = 5-6 mages not casting legions of steel and casting evoc. so I think it will be fairly powerfull even if you move it to higher research.(5-6 casting less per army freeing your mages to cast other earth buffs) or evoc. If you make it H4 then only a prophet with crystal shield can cast it. But crystal shields are easily obtainable for ulm. Or if the games goes on till late late game you can use one of the holy-boosting artifacts to field 2-3 armies with this buff on.(hence it gives a reason for ulm to use holy arifacts(which is quite thematic aswell
